Writer I Speaker I Visual Storyteller

I'm a Malaysian writer and visual storyteller deeply inspired by my heritage and the Asian cultures I'm steeped in. It doesn't hurt that I also love speaking about this passion with a little lightness and humour!

When I was a child, I didn’t see myself in any books I read and today I'm driven to change that - one word and one picture at a time. I'm excited to share my stories with you!

Because don't we all deserve to see ourselves in a story?

Teller of Asian stories
and universal truths 

Hello! I'm Maureen

If I can create a mirror for even one child in the world, I will have accomplished something meaningful

Awards for Writing

Winner - The Magic in Ming's Hands

Kate Dopirak Craft and Community Award 2024

"Maureen’s story rose to the top as one of the best of the hundreds of entries."

Most Promising Picture Book - Honourable mention
The Magic in Ming's Hands

“A universal story for children searching to discover their own uniqueness.” 

WriteMentor Picture Book Award 2022

We need diverse books Mentee 2022

The Ann Whitford Paul Writer's Digest Manuscript award 2022

Winner - The Magic in Ming's Hands

Middle-Grade Novel - The Wish Tin

“It was beautiful, absolutely gorgeous. We loved everything about it … beautiful lyrical language and imagery that really shone through.”

One of 17 creative voices to be chosen by WNDB in 2022, I received a year-long mentorship with author Cindy Baldwin to work on my middle-grade novel set in Malaysia. 

My grandad...handsome, wasn't he?

I’ve journaled all my life, but my writing journey began in earnest in 2019, when my prose poem for teens was published by Cha, the Asian online literary journal. Since then, I've won several awards, mostly for my picture book manuscript "The Magic in Ming's Hands," and have published my writing in Hong Kong and internationally. I'm represented by Karly Dizon of Fuse Literary. 

I’m passionate about Asian representation in literature. I write picture books, middle-grade and short stories for kids and teens, and stories and poetry for adults. 


Giving talks, holding workshops and hosting panels as one of the greatest perks
of being a writer. 

Speaking & School Visits

I love connecting with school kids, whether I'm speaking about my works or the creative process, or leading children in their own creative journeys.
Another great joy is hosting author talks and panels. As a host, I bring engaging and enlightening discussion to audiences. 

"Maureen was agile, warm, brilliantly organized - a joy to speak with."

"I was stunned at how much time and thought she had put into preparing ...and then how spontaneous, fun and thoughtful she was as our conversations unfolded. Running and organizing the Hong Kong International Literary Festival in 2023, Maureen was as professional, kind and engaging as any such host I've ever known, and as a writer herself - as well as so many other things - she brought more to our interactions than I had any reason to expect. "

Pico Iyer,

© Derek Shapton

"What Maureen did on our days was the first of its kind"

"She showed our senior elementary girls how refreshing it is to read stories where the contexts are relatable, and the characters look like them and carry some of the same emotions as they do. To be seen and heard in a diverse world is comforting.
Maureen’s hands-on techniques were engaging and facilitated meaningful interaction during the workshop. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the sessions.

Ms. Sandy, English Dept. Head,
St Clare's Primary School, Hong Kong  

"Your insights have opened my eyes to new possibilities and sparked a renewed enthusiasm for writing."

"Your kind and encouraging words have bolstered my confidence and belief in my own abilities as a writer. I cannot express enough how much your workshop has meant to me. Your expertise and genuine passion have made a lasting impact, and I will carry the lessons and inspiration with me as I continue to pursue my writing dreams."

Secondary School Student

"Maureen is an excellent moderator."

"Her advance research into her panellists' work and ability to weave together connecting themes and comments makes for a nimble and engaging style of moderating that moves beyond typical questions and answers. Events gain a richness that mirror the warmth of conversations between close friends."

Siobhan McDermott,

"When I think of Maureen Tai, writer, moderator and storyteller, the first words that come to my mind are attentive and compassionate."

"Maureen is insightful, witty, and completely invested in the story she is uncovering and telling. She conducts each conversation with the utmost respect for all people involved. When Maureen takes the mike, you can expect an engaging, entertaining and thought-provoking discussion."

Shikha S. Lamba, 
Coffee and Conversations Magazine 

"Maureen has such a calming and positive personality that shines through and makes watching her in action such joy."

"I've had the pleasure of watching Maureen moderate a number of international author events over the years through the Hong Kong International Literary Festival. She has great questions and creates such harmony with the authors she interviews. A true professional that I have zero hesitation recommending."

Arti Mirchandani,
Owner of Bookazine Hong Kong Ltd.

Kind words from amazing people

Read my musings as a Malaysian writer, wandering the earth, listening to the universe and writing the stories behind my photographs. 

Freshly-brewed stories and photographs,
delivered to your inbox.

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Maureen Tai is a Malaysian award-winning writer, storyteller and notable speaker based in Hong Kong. Her agent is Karly Dizon at Fuse Literary.


Talks & Workshops


My Writing

My Story

